So I'm really doing it...I'm starting a blog.

"Living for Three" : Travel, Family + Food blog
For those who know me, I've met you somewhere between New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Kentucky, Texas, New Brunswick or Alberta! Since I have friends scattered between the US + Canada, I thought this would be a good way to share what we are up to with those far away (which is everyone at this point)!
For those who don't know me, I have a passion for three main things: travel, family + food. This is one reason the bIog is called "Living for Three". I originally thought about calling it Party of Three, but some weird things that come up when you search this...
Three is also significant in that my husband, daughter and I are a family of three. We take our little one everywhere, so hopefully we can show others that you can still have fun as a parent! haha
Lastly, I have a major FOMO (fear of missing out) so I love using social media as a resource for planning trips, events, finding recipes, you name it! I'm not inherently creative, but I'm good at researching! So I thought I could use this space to give back to others also looking for ideas here and on Pinterest.
What to expect: a blog featuring travel (now mainly based in Texas!), family (mother of an only child), and food (including cocktails, homemade recipes + good restaurant finds).
Stay tuned as I am "Living for Three"!